Daycares in the United States
Understanding What Makes Daycares in the United States Different.
The United States Government spends $500 per child on early childhood care. According to a 2021 article from the New York Times, the United States is an outlier compared to other countries. Rich countries spend around $14,000 yearly on a toddler’s childcare. In the United States (US), the majority of the spending is on lower-class families in poverty. What is the US doing wrong?
Parents in Denmark pay no more than 25 percent of their child’s daycare fund. The Danish government covers the rest of the expenses. Two-year-olds in the US, many times, do not end up going to daycares because of the price. If they do, their parents must pay the full amount.
Even more so, children in Denmark are guaranteed a spot in daycare, unlike in the US where a lot of times children will have to go through an interview process in order to be accepted.
The US Congress is trying to negotiate ways to decrease the cost of childcare, but the US is still falling behind the rest of the world.
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