Elora's Innovative Edge: Redefining Baby Monitoring with AI and Holistic Care
The Elora Baby Wellness Monitor stands out as a more progressive and advanced offering compared to traditional baby monitors in the market for the following key reasons: AI-Powered Monitoring and Insights: Elora leverages cutting-edge AI technology to meticulously track and...
Game Changing Products For Parenting, Pregnancy, and Caregiving
Modern parents use modern solutions to shape the future of parental care and pregnancy. New parenthood should be filled with love, joy and excitement. However, we also know that it can be a time of stress and uncertainty. Luckily, the world...
Elora Unveils AI-Based Baby Wellness Monitor, Inspired by Smartwatch Tech
LittleOne.Care Debuts Revolutionary Elora for Infant Well-being -
Official Launch of the Elora Baby Wellness Monitor
We are excited to announce the launch of the Elora baby wellness monitor by LittleOne.Care. On March 16 and 17, 2024, LittleOne.Care joined Lila Labor Wear at the "Empowering Expecting Parents And Baby Development" event in Hendersonville, Tennessee. This event was the launch...
Milestones For Your One Month Old
Every baby develops at their own pace and time. But, there are some typical milestones your one month old may be hitting soon that you should look out for! -
Why The Elora Baby Wellness Monitor is Perfect for Millennial Parents
LittleOne.Care is the perfect tool for millennial parents to ensure their baby's safety and wellbeing day and night. The LittleOne.Care smartwatch for babies was specially designed using AI technology to monitor their safety and wellbeing. -
Protect Your Baby, Protect The Planet
At LittleOne.Care, we developed a product specially designed for babies- the Elora Baby Wellness Monitor. In doing so, we are obligated to design and manufacture our product under strict regulation, making sure the product is mechanically safe and is made...
Unleash the Power of Stories on your Little One
Dr. Seuss holds a special place in the hearts of readers young and old. His books possess a unique charm that effortlessly captivates audiences with their delightful rhymes and innocent stories. It's remarkable how a seemingly simple assignment in college...
Making Time for Connection: The Importance of One-on-One Time with Your Babies
As screen time becomes routine in our society, it is extremely important to prioritize face-to-face time to play with your baby and support healthy development. Phones, tablets, and computers are essential to our daily lives as parents. Still, it is imperative...
Unlocking the Power of Sleep
Nurturing Healthy Sleep Habits for Lifelong Well-being and Cognitive Growth Sleep is an essential prerequisite for the growth and development of infants, encompassing emotional well-being and vital bodily functions. While often perceived as a period of rest, sleep is a...
Babies' Development at 2 Months
What to Expect and What You Can Do to Help By 2 months, babies will have discovered their fingers and hands. They will hold their hands open and grab an object, even though they don't know how to let go...
New Neuroscience Research Challenges Theories of Early Learning in Babies
According to recent neuroscience findings, babies develop sophisticated speech processing systems in their brains, even before they begin speaking. A study published in the journal Nature Communications on December 1, 20203 found that infants are developing "robust work recognition" by...
Innovation In AI
Innovations in AI do not seem to be slowing down anytime soon, and neither is LittleOne.Care. -
The Power of Baby Talk: Enhancing Infant Language Development and Brain Connectivity
Understanding the Impact of Caregiver Speech on Babies' Brain Development and Language Abilities
Talk the Talk and Walk The Walk: Closing The Gap
There can be a gap between what parents say they do and what they actually do when raising their kids. LittleOne.Care wants to close the gap.
Common Newborn Sleep Facts and Myths
Learn the truth about what patterns and sleep habits you should be looking out for for your baby. -
Tips for Tummy Time
Crawl, sit, stand, walk, run. At the core of these milestones is tummy time. “Tummy time” is the essential time a baby needs on their stomach to develop strength in the neck, arms, back, and other critical body parts. And yet, parents face countless struggles to make tummy time a pleasant experience for their babies. Most babies cry while on their stomachs because the position is uncomfortable and unfamiliar. However, this is the precise movement a baby needs to build core stability and stay on track for physical development. -
How to Take Care of Yourself
Parents do it all, and taking care of a newborn makes finding time to focus on yourself difficult. But parents need some R&R (rest and relaxation) also. LittleOne.Care acknowledges that. We are here to make your life easier.
Trust Your Gut
Being a mom is hard. You have this constant fear of what can happen to your baby and always try your best to make the world seem perfect for him or her. Learning how to make the best decision doesn’t come easily, or naturally. A mom’s intuition can be a real thing, however, how do you know when to trust it, or when to ignore it? -
What Is the Importance of a Routine?
Having a proper routine can benefit your baby because it gives your baby security and stability in their environment. Routines allow babies and children to get an idea of what events and procedures need to take place every day. In addition, routines can help babies learn what is expected of them and what they should expect during the day. Having a routine will allow for more engagement and interest from your baby or toddler. -
Why Did You Join the LittleOne.Care Family?
What was the motivation behind creating LittleOne.Care? How did the idea of “giving a baby a voice” come about? We interviewed Co-Founders Ami Meoded (CMO) and Shauli Arieh (CEO). -
Are you Spending Too Much on Baby Formula?
Countries around the world vary in expenses for baby food. Some families do not even have enough baby food and regular food for themselves. Especially with the new formula shortage, knowing that your baby might not have any food at all is both mentally and physically draining. Utilizing LittleOne.Care’s solution can help you learn what your baby needs so you will not have extra stress. -
Daycares in the United States
The United States Government spends $500 per child on early childhood care. According to a 2021 article from the New York Times, the United States is an outlier compared to other countries. Rich countries spend around $14,000 yearly on a toddler’s childcare. In the United States (US), the majority of the spending is on lower-class families in poverty. What is the US doing wrong? -
How Did LittleOne.Care Develop The Elora Baby Wellness Montior?
Do you want to know how LittleOne.Care developed its AI device? Do you want to know how this device is different from the rest? We interviewed LittleOne.Care’s CEO and Co-Founder, Shauli Gur Arieh, who helped us better understand what makes LittleOne.Care so unique. After uni, Shauli worked in programming and managed projects and worked with engineers to create innovative technologies. After this job, he realized using his experience to improve the well-being of babies was possible. Together, with his friends, he established LittleOne.Care. -
Juggling the Working Life and the Newborn Life
Leaving your baby and starting to work again is hard, and you are not alone. Feeling anxious, scared, nervous, and guilty are all common feelings when you start to work again. With the help of LittleOne.Care, we can provide some mechanisms to help cope with this feeling. -
How to Choose Your Nanny
Nannies offer huge stress relief for any parents or guardians. Whether you are a working parent, a new parent, or a parent who might just need a break, nannies are one call away. However, choosing the right nanny for you and your child can be difficult. -
How Do You Handle Cries?
When your baby cries, are you the first person to jump up and try to calm them down, or do you let them cry it out? A baby cries when they are trying to tell you something. Considering all possibilities can help you understand why your baby is crying. Over time, you can start to identify the reason for these cries. -
How Do You Clean Your Elora?
Thank You, Tel Aviv
As soon as I had my interview with Ami Meoded, I knew LittleOne.Care was special. When I landed in Israel, the “start-up nation,” I was thrilled to join such an innovative and passionate team. Immediately, the team welcomed Olivia Sakhai and me into the LittleOne.Care family with open arms, and we were ready to jump into work. -
Taking on Tel Aviv
I have been to Israel many times before with family, friends, or on school trips, so I thought I had a good idea of what this summer internship would be about. I felt like I had a sense of what the Israeli culture and their work ethic are. However, this work experience wasn’t like anything I expected, in a good way. -
How to Set Up Your Elora Baby Wellness Monitor
When opening your box, the first item you will see is an information sheet that lists the other items in the box and contains the step-by-step registration process that you will go through. Additionally, you will find five separate items: one small wearable device for data collection, two grip rings (one grip ring for connecting the device to the shirt & one spare grip ring that we suggest you leave in the box), one docking station used for charging, uploading data, and updating the algorithms within the device, and one USB-C connection cable for charging the device. You will also receive a smaller box that contains a wall charger. -
A Child’s Surrounding Alters their Behavioral Development
In studying child behavior, it is imperative to recognize the impact of the environment a child is raised in. Three main factors, the parent-child relationship, gender roles, and the expectations that parents have for their children, all contribute to the differences in child development when comparing the way they were raised. -
What Influences Parents to Make a Decision?
Books, social media, the internet, doctors, other parents, family, and friends all impact what you decide to do with your child. Some people do not realize the impact these sources have in terms of choosing the best option for your baby. However, what happens when a parent overrules their child’s decision that hurts their child even more? Why should parents decide what is “best” for their child? -
Hurrah to Hadassah
On July 17th, 2022 the LittleOne.Care team headed to a conference hosted by Biohouse at Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem. Hadassah Accelerator, powered by IBM Alpha Zone, gave all the representatives of the Louisiana Trade Mission a warm welcome at this conference. Representatives included Ochsner Health, Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans, NFP, Jones Walker, New Orleans Business Alliance, Tulane University, Greater New Orleans, NewOrleansBioInnovationCenter, Louisiana Economic Development, World Trade Center New Orleans, Ministry of Economy and Industry, and Oscar J. Tolmas. These organizations traveled to Israel to learn more about the innovative Israeli startups working with Hadassah Accelerator, such as LittleOne.Care. -
Eat, Sleep, Cry and Repeat?
Most people believe that a baby’s day only consists of eating, sleeping, and crying. However, is that fact always true? Can parents create other activities to make the day more exciting, or is this three-step routine enough? -
Give Your Baby a Voice
Currently, the Global Baby Care & Product Market is valued at approximately $400 billion. While this astronomical number is promising to so many parents a new challenge arises: how are parents meant to choose between products and services? Baby strollers, nannies, car seats, formula, diapers, the list is endless. We have the solution. -
Join the LittleOne.Care Family
Attention all parents, the LittleOne.Care Beta trial is underway! LittleOne.Care is developing a platform that includes a baby's wearable device, a cell phone application for parents, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. -
Music to Our Ears
Music has the power to reach people in ways that words cannot. Rhythms and beats woven into melodies and harmonies can create feelings of joy and love. Music can help people interact, connect, and engage with others in a meaningful and positive way. Music can stimulate the mind and change the brain for the better. These reasons are why exposing babies to music as early as possible is imperative for parents.
Bonding With Your Baby
Establishing a relationship with your baby is one of the most important aspects of being a parent. Bonding with your baby and creating an attachment is necessary for your baby’s development and allows you to feel more connected to your child. One study from the University of Minnesota shows that “our ability to love, trust, and resolve conflict stems in part from how we’re treated as infants.” Therefore, becoming a special, trusted person in your baby’s life stems from bonding time and can have positive long-term effects on your child. -
Dedicated Smartwatch for Babies Empowers All Family Well-being
Have you ever wondered why you decided to purchase a smartwatch for yourself?Was it to track your steps, monitor your sleep, or simply keep an eye on your overall fitness and wellness?
Revolutionize Baby Monitoring: Join Beta Trial
With our Beta trial underway in Israel and the US, we have been working with families nonstop to gather feedback and ensure the future success of our solution. Throughout the trial, each Beta participant is in a private WhatsApp group chat with a LittleOne.Care team members. This group chat allows the participant to ask any questions, leave comments, or share any ideas or concerns with us in real-time. One Beta participant, Naama Mashiach, graciously offered to share her feedback while using our device with her baby. -
Extra! Extra! We’re Looking for Experts!
Attention all baby experts, the LittleOne.Care Beta trial is underway! LittleOne.Care is developing a platform that includes a baby's wearable device, a cell phone application for parents, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. Our solution interprets the reasons for crying, assesses day-to-day treatment quality, encourages activities to support the baby’s development, and alerts parents and caregivers before emergencies occur. In general, baby experts tend to be more objective than parents in terms of analyzing baby behavior. Therefore, LittleOne.Care’s unique characteristic is that we provide accurate and objective detailed observations starting from Day One of the baby’s life. -
What Does the Future Hold?
Do you ever wonder what the future will hold for your baby? What will babies eat, or how much DNA can we alter in a baby? Nevertheless, LittleOne.Care’s device will remain consistent even in changing times. Our number one goal is how our collected data will be able to support decision-making in the area of baby development in the future. -
Simplifying Baby Safety
As parents, you are told many different opinions on how to keep your child safe. Always put your baby to sleep on his or her back, keep very small items out of your baby’s reach, never leave your baby unattended where he or she may fall, and install baby gates if you have stairs. These are just some of the vast amount of safety tips parents are told to follow to protect their children. However, we are all only human. Therefore, constantly being on guard to ensure your baby is one hundred percent safe at all times is impossible. This is where LittleOne.Care comes into the picture. -
What Is the Importance of Tummy Time?
As parents, you constantly hear people say to let your baby have tummy time. But why is tummy time so vital to a baby’s everyday routine? Understanding the importance of tummy time will help your baby grow. -
Enabling Environment for Your Baby
Parents need to think about how to enable the baby to reach this position, instead of just crawling on their stomach around the house. If we pick up all the stimulating elements off the floor, select only one very interesting item, and position it on top of a low stool (which we want them to reach) – we’ll probably succeed.
Shout Out to Parents - Alpha Trial Is Now Open!
The kind of revolution that will impact the way we know and experience parenting. Enabling new abilities and knowledge that ensure your baby’s safety & wellbeing
Wisdom of the Crowd - Out...Wisdom of Babies - In
We all appreciate the baby’s honesty. Straight as an arrow. If they love someone or something, they’ll show it. If they hate it, a crying tantrum is just around the corner.
Start-Up Is Born
The product consists of a wearable device that is placed on a baby’s top, along with an app that shows parents the main insights and tips. Designing a baby device comes with many challenges. The plastics and shape are designed with safety as a top concern. Food grade materials, gentle curves, and a size that does not curse discomfort, yet are large enough to be swallow proof.
Wellbeing for Babies – Peace of Mind for Parents
Wellbeing is experiencing good health (physical and mental), being happy (generally satisfied with life), and prosperous (having meaning and managing stress). To measure the wellbeing status we would need to go beyond calculating any lack of disease and find out how a person perceives their life, how they conduct their day-to-day activities, and how integrated are their mental and physical health. -
Eat, Sleep, Play - Repeat
There is an almost invisible, yet direct, linkage between a child’s eating habits, sleeping routine, and activity (playfulness) levels. All three intertwine, and if repeated well, they ensure the baby’s wellbeing, happiness, and overall development. No parent, or child expert, can ever claim that there is no connection between the three and we are here to examine exactly why. -
"Community Spread”, “Contact Tracing” and “Super Spreader” - Not Exclusive To Corona
The current worldwide Mobile Health Application market is estimated at approximately 12.4 billion USD in 2018 and is expected to grow at 44% each year, for the next 8 years. At the center of LittleOne.Care platform stands an application that enables parents to better understand their baby, monitor the daily routine, and learn how to improve their quality of life - as a family. -
Sleep Signs - Definitely Detectable, Certainly Measurable
A baby’s well being highly depends on their sleeping habits. The ‘National Sleep Foundation’ (an unexpected, yet important organization) describes sleeping as one of the main factors for healthy development in children: “A child will spend 40 percent of his or her childhood asleep” they say. Why? Because they are highly active during the day, which means their little bodies need proper rest to maintain their energy level and continue developing. In addition, while asleep, the baby's brain absorbs all the daily learning and stores it.
What To Do To Make Sure Babies Are Well Protected
Accidents happen. It's a fact, especially when it comes to infants. Regardless of the best care we provide, the tools we use at home or outside, or endless efforts, they just do. Accidents happen at home, in the car, at day-care, while at the park and take all different. In fact, parents spend countless minutes thinking of what ‘could’ happen, and sometimes even too much.
Babies and Grandparent in the Era of a Pandemic
There are thousands of types of grandparents across the world. Some are career-oriented, some are family-focused, some are travelers, and some are all about cooking. The one thing they all have in common - all grandparents love their grandchildren. -
Final Part of Alpha Parents Ready for Launch
Creating any baby tech solution is a long process, especially when it encompasses Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence. It not only involves great minds, experience, innovative technology, and industry consultants, but it also demands one essential element - parents & babies. LittleOne.Care is the first Artificial Intelligence solution that helps maintain a baby’s wellbeing by gathering insights such as motions, sounds, and vitals to provide a clear picture of the little one’s life events. The solution also provides parents professional advice on how to respond – all under one app.
Covid-19 Forces Parents To Activate A New Game Plan
Each one of us has to adjust and play a new role given the quarantine situation. The change forced upon us is natural and obvious while providing us justification for our business activities and personal behavior. As a parent to infants - there are no excuses or justification. What has to be done - will be. You cannot allow your baby’s development process to be affected. -
The Wellbeing of Babies Under COVID-19 Quarantine
During normal times parents do just about everything to make sure their babies are safe, developing, and happy. This entails various teaching courses and activities that develop, strengthen, and improve their motoric capabilities. We sing and speak to them quite a bit. We also make sure they socialize with other children of the same age through playgroups and Gymboree meet-ups. Pediatricians also assist during the standard check-ups, which take place about 6 times during the first year. They make sure the infants develop normally, give standard vaccine shots, and examine the baby's eyes and test reflexes as part of a complete physical exam.
What Babies Teach Scientists?
Babies learn from us just about everything that has to do with this world - walking, talking, laughing and even manners. But there is something we should learn from them: how to learn. -
To love. To be loved. To belong. To be held accountable.
You may have noticed our LittleOne.Care Logo is made of an elephant icon. The reason we chose an elephant icon is elephant motherhood behavior. It represents the values we believe in. Our technology follows these values as well.
Is COVID–19 Running Wild? No More Than Your Baby!
The ongoing home quarantine, along with a pause in day-care may cause you – parents – to think that your child’s activity has decreased. But, reality points to the exact opposite. In fact, your baby is more active now and for a longer period of time. Why? -
Is Now a Good Time to Invest in Start-Ups?
Entrepreneurs and investors are dealing with a volatile market situation, as the Corona Virus is still roaming around. Stock markets are hitting rock bottom, and organizations around the world are left wondering about future outcomes of this chaotic period. Many analysts tell us that these economic times resemble nothing of the past, not even the two world wars or previous plagues, which is the reason for insecurity. -
Millennial Parents – Raising Happy Babies!
It takes a village to raise a child – right? Well, it used to. Now it takes one internet connection, Alexa, a few WhatsApp groups and some social media channels.