The Wellbeing of Babies Under COVID-19 Quarantine

The Wellbeing of Babies Under COVID-19 Quarantine

Is your baby developing properly?


During normal times parents do just about everything to make sure their babies are safe, developing, and happy. This entails various teaching courses and activities that develop, strengthen, and improve their motoric capabilities. We sing and speak to them quite a bit. We also make sure they socialize with other children of the same age through playgroups and Gymboree meet-ups.


Pediatricians also assist during the standard check-ups, which take place about 6 times during the first year. They make sure the infants develop normally, give standard vaccine shots, and examine the baby's eyes and test reflexes as part of a complete physical exam.

COVID-19 and your infant

Ordinary times are no longer as COVID-19 has entirely changed the game, regardless of where you are in the world.


We are not here to speak about statistics and curves, or what precautions you should take to protect your child. There is plenty of that around.

We are here to discuss the issue of maintaining your child’s development, even during quarantine, where the baby’s schedule completely changed. Parks are no longer allowed, day-care has stopped and their entire social environment is the organic family.


How can we measure our child’s continued development? Is it normal? What can we do to improve, or at least make sure isn’t harmful?


Various healthcare organizations tell us that ‘normal’ development milestones of a child should go through between the age of 0-1 include: Rolling over, smiling, crawling (different techniques), mimicking voices, voice tonation, walking, loving and the list goes on.

Parents go crazy to figure out how much is enough, what is normally, can they do something to help. With COVID-19 this is getting parents even more anxious.


Babies”, a Netflix original series, examines the development of children very closely.

Part 1 speaks about the quantity of time one parent spends with the baby, as opposed to a caregiver or the second parent - and the relations to the development of love.

Part 3 speaks motoric, experimentations, and learning to crawl and walk. The baby becomes more and more curious and starts testing out different scenarios in the home environment.

Part 4 goes on to examine speech. The tone, mimicking effects, melodies and sounds.

As you can tell, we are big fans of this unique television series, and highly recommend watching it. But, what you can actually take from the series is the fact that even now, during these chaotic times - your baby's normal development doesn’t have to be interrupted.


Measuring the baby’s development is here

Technology has been a big part of our baby's lives - we monitor their sleep habits, watch via video how they are doing throughout the day, and sense their breathing too.

Now, there is a step further - using Artificial Intelligence - to monitor your baby’s activities day and night.

LittleOne provides a unique solution, the Elora Baby Wellness monitor, that tracks your baby all day, learns their sounds, movements, background engagements, and translates it into information. Has your baby heard enough conversations today? Are they crying more than usual, in quarantine, and why? Have they stayed static, or moved more than usual? Have they heard enough music around them?

Are they happy?

You may be surprised to learn that babies are developing more eagerly during these COVID-19 times. Maybe parents are doing a better job than their caregivers, by spending more quality time together. Maybe babies are not on a routine, and become more active (yes - click here to learn more).


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